Here is a quick summary of the work I have completed or been working on over the last month:

After a period of being dissatisfied with everything I painted, I am finally managing to finish a painting. The painting depicts a subject I have seen many times, a peregrine coming into the home cliff above a turbulent sea, breaking over partly submerged rocks. Peregrines in these latitudes generally stay at or close to their breeding sites, although young birds move about in search of their own territories.

Earlier this month I finished this small painting of a Roe deer. Roe deer are possibly the most attractive of deer, and very elusive. Although widespread in most of the Northern half and the Southern counties of the British mainland, it is unfortunately mainly absent from West Wales. Having said this, there are increasing numbers of sightings of roe deer in this area. The painting shows a roe buck in a winter woodland, the bucks antlers are in velvet as is the case at this time of year.

The Harbour Lights Gallery received this painting of a kingfisher just before Christmas. They are stunning looking birds, usually it is the striking blue of the back that you see as the bird disappears. The orange on the beak is an indication that the bird is female, the males have an all black beak.